General courses: Basic Teacher Training Teacher Training + Advanced 2 Teacher Training +Advanced 2&3
Specialised courses: Powers, Roots, Equations Applied Maths Astronomy Triple Geometry
Welcome to VedicMaths.Org
Here you have access to a comprehensive range of material on Vedic Mathematics, the system of mathematics reconstructed from Sanskrit texts a century ago by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji. The aim of the Academy is to provide resources, promote the use of the Vedic system, encourage research, and bring together all those who appreciate its simplicity and coherence. If you do not find what you are looking for please contact us.
New to Vedic Mathematics
Then read our introduction and try our tutorials (now expanded) to get a feel for how it works. Look at our Introductory DVD set and visit the Bookstore.
Our introductory material includes:
- a general introduction (with two videos).
- a page on the features of the Vedic system (with one video).
- a historical account of the development of Vedic Mathematics (including an audio tape of the founder Bharati Krsna Tirthaji).
- free tutorials where you can learn and practice some of the Vedic methods.
- a page explaining the Vedic Numerical Code.
- Also look at our books and DVD sets which explain the Vedic system in detail.
Learn Vedic Mathematics
* The Tutorials now feature several chapters of books complete with interactive exercises - available for free - See details
* See also our Bookstore.
* Two DVD sets are available, based on 40 years experience teaching and researching Vedic Mathematics.
DVD Basic/Introductory Course
DVD Advanced Course
* Free Books
The "Vedic Mathematics Teacher's Manual - Elementary Level" is available for free here (in English, French and Romanian). Also "Geometry for an Oral Tradition". See also Sarwan's videos
* Vedic Math School
Here, three teachers of international reputation (Vera Stevens, Rick Blum and Kenneth Williams) offer courses for all ages and needs.
* Vedic Math Knowledge Centers
These teach Vedic Math in a games-based way to 5 to 15 year olds. There are 5 Centers in the USA and 31 in Asia. See "Math Monkey" in the above link.
Free Material
We have a range of free material for you including the Elementary Teacher's Manual which is one of the most popular books on Vedic Mathematics.
You can read, download and print this free material, which can be found in the Books (Free) section on this website.
Free Practice Sheets (& Sutras list etc.). Scroll down to the Practice Sheets in the above link.
Free e-book: Mental Math Workouts.
We provide a newsletter on what is happening in the field of Vedic Mathematics, and list any courses or events on Vedic Mathematics in our Calendar of Events.
This area of the web site provides information on the people and organizations involved in Vedic Mathematics.
The Newsletter is our way of keeping people up to date with events occurring in the world of Vedic Mathematics. To subscribe just send an email to with the word subscribe in the subject box. You can also view all past newsletters.
The Calendar of Events provides information on where and when talks, courses and other events on Vedic Mathematics are being held.
See also our list of VM Tutors worldwide, our Who's Who page and the Research area.
Learn to Teach Vedic Mathematics
Teacher Training Course - details
This is a regular course, now offered three times per year - see the Teacher Training Course for details. Designed & Presented by Kenneth Williams. Subscribe to the VM Newsletter to be informed of future courses.
The teacher training course is for people with some experience in teaching (though it does not need to be in mathematics).
It is run by math2shine in conjunction with the Vedic Mathematics Academy.
Please note the course is not designed to be easy: of those who enroll some do not stay to finish the course and some do not reach the required level to pass. If you are not serious about becoming a certified Vedic Maths teacher do not apply for this course.
The course lasts 9 weeks and is given through 36 video lessons which can be watched at any convenient time during the week.
It is conducted entirely online with 36 lessons, weekly tests, two Discussion Meetings and two assignments.
There is also a lively discussion forum where ideas and comments are exchanged.
You will hear when and how enrollments are being taken through the newsletter. The course is always oversubscribed.
For the more Mathematically Minded
For those with a stronger interest in mathematics the Online Journal of Vedic Mathematics contains articles of a more in-depth and technical nature.
See also our page on Research.
We have research books (e.g. "Triples", "Vertically & Crosswise", "Astronomical Applications of Vedic Mathematics", "The Crowning Gem") in the Bookstore, and Advanced DVDs.