Usage Problems


Known issues

Drop Down menus not automatically displaying in Google Chrome browser

The drop down menus do not seem to automatically display when you roll the mouse over the menu buttons (we are told this may be occurring on certain computer rather than all).

Work around:-

Click in the area of the down arrow in the menu buttons for the menus to appear (as clicking on the menu title may bring up its associated web page)



Reporting issues with using the Site

Please note that due to time constraints we may not be able to test the web site completely for compatibility for all browsers and platforms etc. However it is our intention to support the following browsers (Chrome, Fire Fox and Internet Explorer). Therefore if you find a problem using the web site first check you have followed all the instructions below. If this does not resolve the problem, then please let us contact us on with the following information :-

The web page where the problem occurred
What the problem was
What Platform you are using (e.g. PC, Mac, Smartphone, tablet)
What Operating system you are using (e.g. Windows, IOS, Linux, Android)
What Browser (inc version number) you are using

Please note that we are a small operation, so we cannot guarantee to fix any problem you may find. Although we would hope to resolve problems found in a short space of time. This does depend on the complexity of the problem found.

Computer Platforms other than Windows PC's

We only have the technology to test this web site on Windows PC compatible computers and have to assume that it is OK on other platforms. We apologise for any areas of the web site that do not work on other platforms, but currently this is beyond our control (i.e. budget or time available to test and develop on multiple systems).

Internet Browsers

We recommend using the more recent versions of browsers. As

1. This site uses quite a lot of recent Internet technology
2. These are the browsers that we have tested the functionality of this web site against.

N.B. at present we have not had the time to develop support for older versions of Internet Explorer, therefore we currently recommend you use at least version 9 of Internet Explorer or a different browser.

The following will display information about the browser you are using

Browser Information Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DataForSeoBot/1.0; +

N.B. the confusing information above appears to describe the source code libraries your web browser is based upon (which all appear to be based on the Mozilla source code). Your browsers name is likely to be one of the names towards the end of the text.

The browsers that we intend to test this web site against are :-

To upgrade or change the browser you are using, select one of the above and then follow their download instructions.

Adobe Acrobat

Adobe Acrobat or Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) are a machine independent document format. Some of the pages on this web site contain or link to PDF documents. Therefore you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader plugin software to view this documents.

To get this software click on the get Adobe Reader button below and follow the instructions found there.

To test that you have installed the Adobe Acrobat reader correctly, please click on the PDF icon link below, which will take you to a page which is a dummy PDF document.


The Original Tutorials (found on the sub-domain use Java Applets to implement the Tutorials. The following page, contains instructions for how to install and test Java Applets work on your system.



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