
Please note, the most recent publications are at the bottom of the page. Copyright of books by Kenneth Williams is now with Learning Analytic, the promoter of Math2Shine. Kenneth Williams is a co-founder of the Math2Shine Portal.


1. Vedic Mathematics Teacher's Manual 1 - Elementary Level

This book is available free here.
For teachers or parents of children in grades 3 to 7 who wish to learn the Vedic system and teach it. Revised edition 2010. 

Kindle ebook link: $1
Kindle paperback link: $8
Pothi paperback (for India only): Rs.400

Click here for the FRENCH EDITION of MANUAL 1.
Click here for the ITALIAN EDITION of MANUAL 1 (goes to another website).


2. Vedic Mathematics Teacher's Manual 2 - Intermediate Level

For teachers or parents of children in grades 5 to 10 who wish to learn the Vedic system and teach it. Revised edition 2010. 

Kindle ebook link: $3

Kindle paperback link $9

Pothi paperback (for India only): Rs.600

3. Vedic Mathematics Teacher's Manual 3 - Advanced Level

For teachers or parents of students in grades 9 to 14 who wish to learn the Vedic system and teach it. Revised edition 2010. 

Kindle ebook link: $6

Kindle paperback link: $11

Pothi paperback (for India only): Rs.800


4. The Cosmic Calculator Course

This course covers Key Stage 3 (age 11-14 years) of the National Curriculum for England and Wales. Revised 2010.

Kindle paperback links:
Book 1: $8

Book 2: $8

Book 3: $8

Teacher's Guide: $8

Answer Book: $4.50

Pothi paperback (for India only):
Book 1 Rs.500   Book 2 Rs.500   Book 3 Rs.500   Teacher's Guide Rs.500   Answer Book Rs.300


5. The Natural Calculator

This is an elementary book on mental mathematics, highlighting the Vedic methods.

Kindle ebook link: $3

Kindle paperback link $6

Pothi paperback (for India only): Rs.250


6. Vedic Mathematics

This is the original book by Bharati Krishna Tirthaji which introduced the system to the West.

This book can be purchased direct from the publishers here:

7. Discover Vedic Mathematics

This has sixteen chapters each of which focuses on one of the Vedic Sutras or sub-Sutras, showing many applications of each. Concise and comprehensive. Revised edition 2010.

Kindle ebook link: $6

Kindle paperback link $9

Pothi paperback (for India only): Rs.500


8. Triples

This book shows applications of Pythagorean Triples (like 3,4,5). Revised 2017.

Kindle ebook link: $6

Kindle paperback link $12

Pothi paperback (for India only): Rs.500


9. Vertically and Crosswise

This is an advanced book which focuses on one Vedic Sutra: Vertically and Crosswise. Revised edition 2010.
Price $42. Contact us for purchase. See free download.



10. Astronomical Applications of Vedic Mathematics

Various astronomical applications. New edition 2010.

Kindle ebook link: $3

Kindle paperback link $9

Pothi paperback (for India only): Rs.350


11. Why Do We Calculate Backwards?

This is a basic, easy to read, book which shows that we do in fact calculate backwards. It explains the advantages of calculating from left to right and demonstrates how easy it is to work this way. It does not claim we should use only left to right methods. First edition 2010.
Price $20 (including postage).

Kindle ebook link: $3

Kindle paperback link $6


12. The Circle Revelation

This is a simplified, popularised version of "Geometry for an Oral Tradition".
Price $45.

Contact us for purchase.



13. Vedic Mathematics Proofs

This is a technical book that gives proofs for the Vedic methods that were not proved by Tirthaji himself. Price $30. Contact us for purchase.



14. The Crowning Gem

This book shows a powerful and far-reaching application of the Vertically and Crosswise formula which will give powers and roots of numbers and the solution to polynomial equations. Price $30 (including postage).

Kindle ebook link: $6

Kindle paperback link $12

Pothi paperback (for India only): Rs.600



15. The Art of Calculus

This is an introduction to Calculus, starting right at the beginning. The book shows highly unusual and simple methods for getting gradients and areas under curves without the usual confusing symbols and terminology.

Kindle ebook link: $3

Kindle paperback link $9

Pothi paperback (for India only): Rs.400


16. The Art of Calculus - Book 2

This follows on from Book 1 and shows various further applications of Vedic mathematics in Calculus. It does not follow a specific curriculum or syllabus. All Calculus concepts are however consistently followed through without gaps in the exposition, from the beginning of Book 1 to the end of Book 2. So the unusual and simple approach to this subject, introduced in Book 1 leads naturally into the development of these more advanced concepts.

Kindle ebook link: $4

Kindle paperback link $14

17. A Trillion Triangles

This book introduces trigonometry in an easy way that is very suitable for children from around grade 7. Children make and manipulate triangles and learn how to combine them. This leads on to more advanced work including the 4 new chapters on solution of right-angled triangles without a calculator.

Kindle ebook link: $3

Kindle paperback link $9

Pothi paperback (for India only): Rs.400




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