
Guide to Tutorials

Vedic Maths is based on sixteen sutras or principles. These principles are general in nature and can be applied in many ways. These tutorials give examples of simple applications of the sutras, to give a feel for how the Vedic Maths system works. They are based on the work of Kenneth Williams and are a work in progress. For a more complete coverage of the basic uses of the sutras, we recommend you study one of the books available from our Bookstore or a DVD set

Please support the development and running costs of this website by either sponsoring us or making a donation, which will help pay for the development of further material and keep the current  material advert free.

New Tutorials (HTML5 Apps)

These require use of an up to date browser (one that is compatible with HTML5, especially the HTML5 Canvas feature, see the Compatibilty Page in the "Fun with Figures" tutorial pages for more details).

Fun with Figures

This is a simple introduction to Vedic mathematics aimed at children.

Please note that these tutorials always ask the same set of questions, hence its suitability as an introduction to Vedic Mathematics.

The Natural Calculator

This book covers the basics of using Vedic Mathematics to perform basic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc.

The tutorials in this book ask different questions every time, hence its suitability as a practise tool for mastering basic calculations using Vedic Mathematics.

N.B. at present Chapters OneTwo, ThreeFour, Five, and Six (Part 1) are available.
Practise Exercises for Chapters One, Two, ThreeFourFive and Six (Part 1) are also available

Tables Practise

Tutorials for use in practising simple times tables (up to 9 × 9 at present).

Original Tutorials (Java based Apps)

As our site usage statistics indicate that some people are still using older operating systems and browsers, we have retained a copy of the original tutorials for them to use, as their browsers do not support HTML5 functionality required by the updated tutorials.

Java based Tutorials

N.B.to use the original Tutorials you will need to make sure the following requirements are met:-

You are running on a Desktop/Laptop computer
With a Browser that still supports the NPAPI Browser Plugin (i.e. supports Java Applets)
With java installed (a pre JDK 9 version)
With an exception setup in the Configure java Security tab for the original Tutorials sub-domain (as the Applets are not certified).

Instructions for setting up java, can be found here.

N.B. the Browser Plugin used to run the Java Applets in our original Tutorials, has become deprecated due to security issues. Therefore most browser manufacturers are removing support for this plugin from their browsers. So we due not expect the original Tutorials to work after 2016. Google Chrome has already removed support in Septemeber 2015. If any browser works it will be Internet Explorer, as support has already been removed, but the Tutorial Applets still appeared to work in Internet Explorere 11. The technical details of which browsers and versinos of Java still support this version of the Tutorials can be found here (make sure you read the Deprecation section as well as the Browser Support section).

Guides to Tutorial Material

How to get the Best out of the Tutorials
What's new
Future Plans



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