ISSUE No. 53

A warm welcome to our new subscribers. Vedic Mathematics is becoming increasingly popular as more and more people are introduced to the beautifully unified and easy Vedic methods. The purpose of this Newsletter is to provide information about developments in education and research and books, articles, courses, talks etc., and also to bring together those working with Vedic Mathematics. If you are working with Vedic Mathematics - teaching it or doing research - please contact us and let us include you and some description of your work in the Newsletter. Perhaps you would like to submit an article for inclusion in a later issue or tell us about a course or talk you will be giving or have given. If you are learning Vedic Maths, let us know how you are getting on and what you think of this system.

3D model of ‘Vedic-computing paradox’

The article for this newsletter is by K. K.
Raghuthaman and is a fascinating study of
representing recurring decimals as 3-dimensional

If you wish to contact K. K. Raghuthaman you can
email .

Direct link to PDF copy of article



An International Indology Conference will take
place on 8 – 10th February 2007 at Kala Academy,
Campal, Panjim, Goa, India. The theme of the
Conference is "Ancient Wisdom Brought to Modern
Times-Pathway to Higher Consciousness". You can
see full details at
for online registration / travel / accommodation
and other features. Admission for the conference
is on first-come-first-serve basis, and the
mailbox is over-flowing with registration
(online) submissions from around the world, no
on-the-spot registrations will be taking place.

If anybody (from a Non-SAARC country), wishes to
attend the conference, you will be given a
concession of USD 50 dollars on the conference
fee. You should forward a copy of this newsletter
with your mail expressing your desire to
participate in the conference and when
registering online, you should refer "Kenneth
Williams" in the "referred by" box in the registration form on the website.

At this Conference, on 9th February, Dr. Abhijit
Das (Mumbai) will be giving a talk entitled “A
Comparison between Vedic Mathematics by
Shankaracharya and Lilavati of Bhaskaracharya”.
Also, Keshavdev Verma will be delivering a talk on Vedic Physics.


A series of workshops will be held in November
2006 at Simple Sums House in Cork, Ireland. The
theme is Learning and Teaching Creative
Computation and the course is ideally suited to
parents who wish to develop their own skills in
creative arithmetic and pass on those skills to
their children. For further information please
contact Brian McEnery at

(tel. 086-8160314).


Trade shows and mathematics conventions in the
USA this year at which Math Monkey will be
offering the opportunity to find out about owning
a Vedic Math franchise (see are at:

* Boston, Massachusetts Trade show, Oct 14-15. See

* Atlantic City Math Show, Oct 19-20. See

* Kansas City Trade Show, Oct 28-29. See

* The West Coast Expo (Los Angeles Trade Show),
Nov 3-5. See

* Chicago Trade Show, Nov 18-19. See

Squaring numbers ending in 4

In the previous newsletter readers were
challenged to find a method for squaring numbers
ending in 4 that followed the method for squaring
numbers ending in 5. We received two responses,
both neat and using the same principle as for
squaring numbers ending in 5. They are given below. Thanks to both of you.

1) From Balan V Iyer
The method is very simple. It would be the same
as for squaring any number ending in 9 using the
algebraic identity (a+b) squared = a2 + 2ab + b2
and (a - b) squared = a2 - 2ab - b2. To give an
example, 14 squared = (15 - 1) 2 i.e. 225 - 30 +
1 = 196. As we know the squares of numbers
ending in 0 and 5 mentally, working out mentally
squares of numbers ending in 1, 9, 4 and 6 could
be mentally performed using the above
identity. I trust this explanation would help.

2) From David
One method might be:
Let the number in front of the 4 be N
Multiply N by N+1, add two zeroes
Subtract (2N-1)*10
Add 6

Example 74*74
7*8=56 5600
Subtract (2*7-1)*10= 130
Add 6

One could shorten it to
Multiply N by N+1, add 06 to RHS
Subtract (2N-1)*10

Example 204*204
20*21=420 42006
Subtract (2*20-1)*10=390

Example 364*364
Subtract (2*36-1)*10=710

Interestingly one can find similar methods for any end digit.
For example
6*7=42 : 4206
Add (2*6+3)*10=150

7*8=56 : 5601
Add (8*7+8)*10=640

Kenneth, considering the method I sent it might
be easier to remember in this form as it more
closely matches the method for numbers ending in 5.

Number N*10 + 4
Write down N*(N+1) and put 16 (4 squared) on the RHS
Subtract 2*N*10 from that number.

EG: 74x74
7*8=56 => 5616
Subtract 2*7*10=140

WORKSHOP IN KOLKATA - Overview by Bhavna Malhotra

World Academy in association with “Health Shoppe”
(a unique health and lifestyle product outlet
based in Kolkata.) which incidentally is a
division of Nantra Retailing Limited arranged a
workshop on Vedic Mathematics on 27th day of
August 2006 at 3 p.m. at premises of the Health
Shoppe. The said workshop was conducted by
Debmalya Banerjee, a popular faculty of the
academy on the subject from Kolkata.
The workshop which spanned little more than three
hour was inaugurated by noted Indian Sculptress
Uma Siddhanta and was attended by around 20 people.
The response of the crowd was overwhelming. Lot
of questions were asked as the workshop had
interactive session too. He also narrated to the
crowd the kind of activities the academy has done
in the past and what it intends to do in future.
He also told the crowd in brief what activities
are going on globally on the subject.
The expert explained Nikhilam Methods of
Calculation, multiplication by 11,Digital roots,
Rule of 9, 99, 999, Ekadhikena Purvena as well as
Urdhava Method.The expert explained the nuances
of the subject by carrying out calculations using
Vedic Sutras and frequently comparing those
calculations with the western system of Mathematics.
A coverage of the said event was published by a
renowned regional daily a week later.
“Health Shoppe” plans to have more workshops in
association with the academy as there is a growing demand for the same.

KOLKATA WORKSHOP - Overview by Dr.Partha Chatterjee

The 4th Gandhi Inter school Summer Camp jointly
sponsored by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samity New
Delhi and SIPDAVE Kolkata was held on June 3-4,
2006 at the Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre
Auditorium-Aikyatan, Salt Lake, Kolkata. 50
students from 15 schools of Kolkata between the
age group 13 and 15, 5 teachers and about 30
guardians participated in the camp. The camp was
inaugurated by Sabyasachi Chakraborty, the famous
Bengali actor. Some other popular celebrities of West Bengal were also present.

A lecture on Vedic Mathematics was given by
Debmalya Banerjee, a renowned and popular faculty
of the Academy at the camp. The lecture spanned
little more than an hour. The faculty gave a
detailed idea about what exactly is Vedic
Mathematics and how it can be useful. He also
briefed the audience vividly about WAVM, its key
members, panel of faculties and the kind of
activities the Academy is involved in. The
audiences were told about the kind of activities
that are taking place globally, and the kind of
books and the courses that are available.
The expert explained Nikhilam Methods of
Calculation, multiplication by 11, Multiplication
by 9, 99,999 and the Urdhava Method.
The workshop was greatly appreciated by the
participants and the expert had a harrowing time
satisfying the autograph hunter kids. A review
with a specific mention about Vedic Mathematics
was also published by a frontline newspaper of the region.


I am Mrs. kavita Gupta, Inodre MP and Maths
Teacher. I learned Abacus & Vedic last Year. I
am teaching VEDICMATHS some advance level (with
25 operatons) to the students. Anybody who wants
to learn VEDIC MATHS can contact me in this
e-mail i.d:
Mobile : 09329479596

[Note there is a list of Vedic Mathematics tutors


Dear Kenneth, I just found a copy of an e-mail
that you sent me on 10 June 2004, it was a
printed copy, and contained a part of a
discussion between Dr Dikshit Vice-Chancellor of
IGNOU and Dr. Shukla (from NCERT). The flaw in
their reasoning is that the Universe and us as
part of it is not guided by logic alone. Geoorge
Boole the founder of modern Mathematical Logic,
and Professor of Mathematics at University
College Cork, made a fatal flaw when he divided
the sheep into two flocks, one black and the
other white, he seemed to ignore the
infinitesimal gradations in the reality of
nature. Our minds being a part of the creative
process in nature must also be encouraged to
wander and seek the pleasure that are in the real
garden of mathematics. Some time ago I
communicated with Howard Gardiner, the founder of
Multiple Intelligences, suggesting that the
stable creative core of intelligence should form
part of his theory. We had a very cordial series of e-mails.

In a sense pure mathematics is now guided by the
very constrained laws of mathematical logic, but
computation is much more a discipline of the
practical application of knowledge, where skill,
art, and logic are used in equal measure. When I
used to teach courses in Fortran, I always
encouraged my students to take as much care with
the layout and structure of their programs, as
with just getting the job done. I said that the
program should flow like a poem. This discipline
ensures the development of skill and clarity in
expressing the underlying computational process.

In fact modern computation has to a large extent
superseded traditional mathematical logic, and it
is here that the vedic sutras are so powerful as
they provide patterns in computation which are
both universal and simple to teach to students of
all ages. The purely logical approach makes it
very difficult to create new approaches, as the
student is constantly concerned with making a
mistake. The corrective techniques, and
multiplicity of approaches inherent in Vedic
Mathematics ensure that every wrong answer is an
opportunity for further exploration.

World Academy for Vedic Mathematics – contact details

Registered Address : Vishwa Punarnirman Sangh ,
Raval Bhawan , Near Telankhedi Garden , Nagpur-440 001, India .

Contacts in other Cities in India  :

Delhi           R.P. Jain, MLBD bookstore
                   91(011) 2385-2747 / 2385-4826 / 2385-8335 / 2385-1985.
Varanasi     91 (0542) 2352331
Kolkata      MLBD bookstore 91 (033) 22824872
Mumbai      MLBD bookstore 91 (022) 2351-6583 / 3092-2105
Nagpur       Alka Sahani 91 (0712) 2531363 / 2550906 / 2545637
Pune           MLBD bookstore 91 (020) 24486190
                   Dr. Bhavsar 91 (020) 25899509 / 21115901
Bangalore    School of Ancient Wisdom – Devanahalli,
                   91 (080) 768-2181 / 7682182 / 558-6837
                   MLBD bookstore 91 (080) 6533729 / 6542591
Chennai       91 (044) 24982315

Your comments about this Newsletter are invited.
If you would like to send us details about your
work or submit an article or details about a
course/talk etc. for inclusion, please let us
know on

Previous issues of this Newsletter can be copied
from the Web Site:

To subscribe or unsubscribe to this Newsletter simply send an email to that
effect to
Please pass a copy of this Newsletter on (unedited)
to anyone you think may be interested.
Editor: Kenneth Williams

Visit the Vedic Mathematics web site at

16th October 2006


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