Vedic Mathematics Newsletter No. 108
A warm welcome to our new subscribers.
This issue’s article (at the end of the newsletter) is by Kenneth Williams and discusses the role of the Sub-Sutras of Vedic Mathematics.
The IAVM (Institute for the Advancement of Vedic Mathematics) is offering a series of free monthly webinars.
See for details (click on the 'Information' tab)
The first of the series of free Webinars is on Sunday 19th June and includes a Workshop by Kenneth Williams titled “A New Approach to the Teaching of Calculus”. For details please see the attachment.
The resources pages on the website relating to Books and Magazine Articles have been updated with new content, after extensive web searches by our webmaster Clive. The pages relating to books for free PDFs, Other Books, eBooks and Non English books, all have many extra entries now.
The next Introductory Course starts on 1st August 2016. Details here:
The next Teacher Training Course starts on 5th September 2016. Details here:
The next Calculus Course starts on 3rd October 2016. Details here:
The journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, "Mathematics Today", has published an article on ‘Teaching Calculus’ by Kenneth Williams.
You can see this here:
(click on the last article)
The Sub-Sutras
Bharati Krishna makes it clear that the “Sixteen Simple Formulae from the Vedas” give “One-line Answers to All Mathematical Problems”.
So what is the role of the sub-Sutras? Why are they necessary and how do they fit into the Vedic system?
Here I would like to suggest answers to these questions and, as usual, would be glad to hear your views whatever they are.
A Sutra is a general expression of some principle, and being general it has a wide range of more specific expressions. The sub-Sutras, I suggest, describe these more specific expressions.
For example, the first Sutra is By One More than the One Before, and it has many applications – wherever something is generated from something else.
More specifically we may see proportion as a special case of Sutra 1, in which a ratio generates a further quantity. So the use of the sub-Sutra By Proportion indicates that a ratio is applied and a result obtained.
Sub-Sutra 1 (By Proportion) then is intricately related to Sutra 1 (By One More than the One Before).
Immediately above the lists of Sutras and sub-Sutras in BKT’s book is the heading “Sixteen Sutras and Their Corollaries”. A corollary is a statement that follows from a previous statement. So this heading implies the same thing: that the sub-Sutras are each related to a Sutra.
This interpretation of the sub-Sutras implies that each sub-Sutra is related to at least one Sutra, and in fact derived from it. It also implies that there is no definite number of sub-Sutras. BKT does not say there is some fixed number of them and in fact it was said of him that he would pluck sub-Sutras out of the air.
This makes a lot of sense since BKT has made it very clear that the 16 ‘mathematical formulae’ give one-line answers to all mathematical problems. Hence there is no need for any further Sutras and so the sub-Sutras must be included within the Sutras themselves.
The interesting question that arises from this is: how does each sub-Sutra in BKT’s book relate to one or more of the Sutras?
Comments etc. on this can be sent to and can be published in later newsletters.
End of article.
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Editor: Kenneth Williams
Visit the Vedic Mathematics web site at:
12th June 2016