Vedic Mathematics Newsletter No. 118
A warm welcome to our new subscribers.
This issue’s article (at the end of the newsletter) is an account by James Glover of the highly successful 4th Online Conference that took place on 17th to 18th March 2018.
“There was a great enthusiasm amongst all who attended and the presentations were informative and inspiring”
This Conference is from 23rd - 25th August 2018 at RV College of Engineering, Bangalore, India. It is Organised by The Institute for the Advancement of Vedic Mathematics (IAVM).
Following the success and tremendous acclaim of our previous two conferences the 3rd International conference this year will be held at the prestigious RV College of Engineering in Bangalore. Vedic Maths, as propounded by Sankaracarya Sri Bharati Krishna Tirtha, has gained worldwide interest. Not only due to its unified approach, profundity and easy methods of calculation but also due to its applications in computer science and elsewhere, this year’s conference promises to be a fascinating and wonderful event.
Papers relating to the following are welcome:
• New research on applications of Tirthaji’s Vedic Maths
• History of classical and ancient Indian Mathematics
• Vedic Mathematics in Education
• Latest Applications in Computer Engineering and Science
Please see further details at:
Ragna Heffermehl has translated the VM Elementary Teacher’s Manual into Norwegian. Many thanks to Ragna for this generous contribution. You can access the document here:
The videos from this conference are available here:
The papers presented will be available shortly at the IAVM website.
See details here of this unique approach to this often misunderstood subject:
Teacher Training course (17th batch) starts on 11th June:
Applied Maths course starts 11th June:
SUMMER CAMP EVENT by Nandini Krishnan
I started teaching VM to about 50 students in a summer camp organised for the less privileged children. The age group is in the range of 8-15 yrs. Thursday [19th April] was my first class. I gave a short introduction and then went on to show how quick and easy VM is. I showed them multiplication by 2, then went on to multiplication of two figure numbers close to a base. They really enjoyed it. One of the kids who was in class 1 stood up and said that she hadn’t learnt multiplication of two figure numbers and was wondering if this method could be applied to single digit numbers! She was thrilled when I demonstrated the multiplication of single digit numbers. She was not part of the group but had slipped in to sit with her sister! She understood everything except the division part! I was amazed that a child so young could grasp what was being taught!!
I am teaching them addition by grouping 10s, doubling and halving and some easy base multiplications.
It was a wonderful experience. The excitement of the kids when they found how easy and simple the methods were, was awesome. They were eager to do more and were asking me all sorts of questions(phew) . They wanted to know what I was going to teach them next. Some were even suggesting topics that I could teach next!!!
I really enjoyed the class!
It was a delight to present two 2-hour Vedic Mathematics workshops to 180 first year engineering students in an engineering college in Pune in March this year. The mathematics department of this college was starting a mathematics club – Srinivas Ramanujan Club and they inaugurated the club with a Vedic Maths workshop. The principal of the college was keen on exposing the students to this ancient Indian wisdom and is hoping that the students eventually use their technical know-how in engineering subjects with Vedic maths and develop tools and devices on their own.
The students were very excited to learn something new. I started with some riddles, which emphasised on lateral thinking and how to approach a problem, and how Vedic Maths teaches just that! The students picked up the basic concepts of Vedic Maths very quickly and were solving worksheets enthusiastically, with their teachers joining them in the race ?. They were intrigued to know how vast Vedic maths is and how engineering students can benefit from it and participate in current researches being done in this field.
The enthusiasm was so high that the students were very lively and interactive. It was appreciated by all students and teachers and was very successful. They were asking for books and classes on VM.
It was indeed gratifying to be a part of these young students’ journey into the world of Vedic Mathematics.
Nitika Gupta, Pune, India, 21st April 2018
Thanks to IAVM for giving me an opportunity to conduct an introductory workshop on Vedic Mathematics at Anand Vidyalaya, Gurugram, Haryana. The workshop was conducted for 130 underprivileged students of age group 6 to 13 years (currently studying in Class 1 or below)
In this 90-minute workshop we worked together with multiplication tables, finger maths and some special methods of multiplication. The students were encouraged to solve maths problems in a competitive but friendly environment using activities. The students enjoyed the workshop and showed remarkable aptitude in understanding the new methods
It was an extremely satisfying experience for me to be able to share the fun VM methods with these well-deserved talented students. We hope to continue work with these kids regularly to help them achieve academic success.
Kuldeep Singh
4th Online Conference – Report by James Glover
Our 4th Online Conference was held on the weekend of March 17th - 18th and organised jointly by the IAVM and the Vedic Maths Academy. There was a great enthusiasm amongst all who attended and the presentations were informative and inspiring. As well as news of the forthcoming live conference in Bangalore in August and a brief report of the conference in Delhi last December, the online meeting concentrated on new research in Vedic Mathematics and reports on events and developments from different countries.
One of the strong features of the eleven papers presented was the continual reference to pattern within mathematics and there were several fascinating examples of this. Videos of all the presentations can be viewed from the IAVM website at Some of the papers will soon be available to download.
Number Patterns - Ken Williams
This showed how various patterns in number can be used to achieve intricate and sophisticated calculations in arithmetic.
Vedic Maths Methods for the Problem of Least Squares - Anna Foglino
Anna demonstrated how VM techniques can help calculate linear regression, the equation for the line of best fit, in Statistics.
Comparative Study of Adders used in Designing High-Speed Vedic Multipliers for VSLI Applications - Raghavendra Prasad
This paper shows how simple VM techniques can be used to speed up computer processing. Raghavendra is engaged in up-to-date research on this at the RV College of Engineering, Bangalore.
Statistics and Vedic Mathematics - Ken Williams
In this presentation, Ken gaves an overview of how the VM sutras universally apply to the whole subject of Statistics.
Calculating Compound Interest Mentally - Kuldeep Singh
Can this be done? Yes! Kuldeep explained how, by using VM techniques in combination with binomial coefficients.
Cumulative Binomial Probabilities - Ken Williams
This paper shows how Vedic Maths, together with the binomial coefficients can be used to calculate cumulative binomial probabilities.
Bypassing Compound Angle Formulae using Triples - Nathan Annenberg
Using Pythagorean triples Nathan showed how to eliminate the need for learning sum and difference formulae for trigonometric functions.
How the Unit Circle Variables can Facilitate Proving Trig Identities - Nathan Annenberg
This was another powerful application of using triples.
Vedic Maths - A Merit in the Management of Competitive Examinations - Vasanth Shastri
Vasanth demonstrated how VM techniques can be used to solve some tricky-looking problems found in competitive examinations in India.
Vedic Mathematics and Binary Strings - Marianne Fletcher
Marianne has discovered how the VM technique of calculating decimal strings in a computer algorithm is considerably speeded up when working in binary.
Geeta Ghormade in Nagpur described the courses that she and Dr Anant Vywahare, together with a team of expert enthusiasts, run at the Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University. At present, the two courses are Certificate in Vedic Mathematics and Diploma in Vedic Mathematics. They are open to students with a minimum of grade X12 Maths
Nacho Ruiz from Spain gave a presentation on the work he's been doing in getting VM known about amongst Spanish speakers. He's been building an excellent website that can be found at containing video tutorials on VM calculations. Nacho is also engaged in translating Ken William's books into Spanish and hopes to open the subject up to people in South America.
In Pune, Nitika Gupta explained the work she's doing with youngsters using Pebble Maths. This is a kinaesthetic approach used to establish basic number concepts invented by Vera Stevens in Australia. This approach leads into VM.
From the Philippines, Nica Prudente gave a presentation on all the amazing events and competitions that her and her father, Ike, have been up to in various regions. One of their themes uses the VM techniques in arithmetic to make algebra very accessible.
In Kerala, Devaraj showed slides of events he's been running with children and students. He entitles his projects as Cosmic Maths. For more information visit his blog on Facebook.
We also heard from Narayana Reddy who lives in Telangana. He has been running VM courses for children and now has a self-published book entitled 'Learn Vedic Mathematics in 10 Days'.
End of article.
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Editor: Kenneth Williams
The Vedic Mathematics web site is at:
24th April 2018