Whilst performing a web search for books on Vedic Mathematics (last updated in April-May 2016), we came across these non-English volumes on Vedic Mathematics.
Please note that as we do not speak these languages, we cannot verify the quality or appropriateness of these books, and provide this list in the hope that it helps some people from other countries gain an understanding of Vedic Mathematics.
N.B. the book "Vedic Mathematics Teacher's Manual - Elementary Level" available in the Free books section (see menu option on right) is currently available in six languages.
Vedic Mathematics Made Easy (Bengali edition)
Author: Dhaval Bathia
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House (2014)
Language: Bengali
ISBN-10: 8184956207
ISBN-13: 978-8184956207
Amazon Indian Link
Mathematics Tricks Using the Vedic System (Chinese Edition)
Author: Huang Guang Ming
Paperback: 348 pages
Publisher: Jilin Photography Publishing House (January 1, 2012)
Language: Chinese
ISBN-10: 7549810745
ISBN-13: 978-7549810741
This book will remove the hassles for you and your children! It is a collection of the Indian mathematics tricks that are most suitable for teenagers, using both graphics and texts for your children to not only do the math right, but even do it faster! The book not only enhances the computing power of multiplication and division, but contains four fundamental operations of fraction, square root, cube root, the solution of simultaneous equations, trigonometric functions, basic statistics and so on.
The India Vedic mathematics quick calculation training method (Traditional Chinese Edition)
Chinese (Taiwanese)
Indian Vedic Mathematics seconds algorithms (Taiwanese Chinese Edition)
Author: PU LA DI KU MA Kumar Pradeep
Publisher: Shimao Publishing Ltd (January 1, 2000)
ISBN-10: 9577769667
ISBN-13: 978-9577769664
Math superior computing power in India since ancient times is open to the public! 175 x175 25 25 formula Indians 2 seconds even get out! The book professor of ancient Indian astronomical theories extension Vedic mathematics from second algorithm from the generally complicated calculation. just use a simple formula. followed by step-by-step learning of this book. you will be able to be trained fast answers to multiplication. division. square. cube . square root. cube root. or even simultaneous equations can be easily calculated magical skill! From now on. learning Indian Vedic Mathematics. magical and simple algorithm formula to answer it! Contents: sequence multiplication first type of double-digit multiplied by double-digit three-digit number multiplied by a three-digit ...
The India Vedic mathematics: speed solution (Taiwanese Chinese Edition)
Author: PU LA DI KU MA Kumar Pradeep
Publisher: Shimao Publishing Ltd (January 1, 2000)
ISBN-10: 9577769691
ISBN-13: 978-9577769695
Math super power in India since ancient times to guess the title law is open to the public! Cope with the size of the exam. GRE. GMAT essential magic problem-solving victory Act! The book for the first time disclosed the experience of India since ancient times Navashesh algorithm. and included the second algorithm. as well as to meet the size exams. GRE. GMAT essential magic problem-solving victory Act! Indian Vedic mathematics seconds algorithms second bomb - speed solution. not only adding more seconds algorithm for rapid calculation skills. teaches readers step closer in the face of a large number of exam clever guessing answers method. so that even if you do not know The answers ...
Beweisverfahren in der vedischen Sakralgeometrie: Ein Beitrag zur Entstchungsgeschichte von Wissenschaft (German)
Author: Axel Michaels
Perfect Paperback: 209 pages
Publisher: Steiner (1978)
ISBN-10: 3515029788
ISBN-13: 978-3515029780
English Title: Discovery in the Vedic sacred geometry. A contribution to the history of science
Volume 20 of the old and new Indian Studies
Amazon UK Link
Amazon US Link
Amazon German Link
Google Books Link
Eine Einfuehrung in die Vedische Mathematik. Bequemer Rechnen fuer jedermann von 8 Jahren an. (German)
Blitz-Mathematik mit dem Vedischen System (German)
Author Vali Nasser, march 2011.
Paperback: 113 pages
Publisher: Lulu Press, Inc.
ISBN: 9781458332448
English Title: Flash (Speed) With The Vedic Mathematics System
Introduction - 5
Chapter 1 - 7
Working with base 10 - 7
Summary of key Points - 9
Multiplying by 11 - 10
Multiplication of Numbers between 10 and 20 - 12
Chapter 2 - 15
Subtraction - 15
Chapter 3 - 19
Multiplying by 10,100 and 1000 - 19
Chapter 4 - 23
Working with base 20 - 23
Practise questions for working with base 20 - 25
General rule for multiplying 2 x 2 digits - 25
Base 100 and Base 50 Multipication - 29
Chapter 5 - 34
Special case (1) - 34
Special case (2) - 35
Chapter 6 - 37
Division - 37
Chapter 7 - 42
Fractions, decimal and percentage equivalents - 42
Chapter 8 - 47
Interesting Fractions - 47
Chapter 9 - 49
Number Sequences - 49
Chapter 10 - 54
Estimating - 54
Chapter 11 - 59
Multiplication revisited - 59
Chapter 12 - 63
general approach to 3 x 3 multiplication - 63
Chapter 13 - 71
Fractions - 71
Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 73
Multiplying Fractions - 74
Division of Fractions - 75
Converting a mixed number to a fraction - 76
Multiplying a mixed number together - 77
Dividing mixed numbers together - 78
Chapter 14 - 80
Proportions and ratios - 80
Chapter 15 - 82
Square Roots and Cube Roots - 82
Chapter 16 86
Introduction to Algebra - 86
Chapter 17 - 92
Algebraic Substitution - 92
Chapter 18 - 94
Simple Equations - 94
Chapter 19 - 99
Simultaneous Equations - 99
This is the second edition of the German translation of lightning with the Vedic Mathematics system. The pressure error in the previous version have been fixed, so that the German-speaking audience will now have much more enjoyment out of the book.
Speed Mathematics using the Vedic system makes learning basic mathematics more rewarding. The average pupil will be able to work out calculations such as 46X44, 95X95 and 116X114 mentally, often faster than a calculator. Pupils will understand how to work out squares,cubes, percentages,fractions,and equations with ease. Paper and pencil will still be required for most questions, but the speed and accuracy of calculations will improve significantly. This in turn motivates pupils to learn more. This book provides smart strategies for mastering basic Number work and Algebra. These two areas are the building blocks in mathematics. Once pupils can master these aspects they will feel confident to tackle other branches of mathematics. This book is suitable for children from 10 to 14 years of age, but adults who have found mathematics difficult in the past will also benefit from it.
Vedic Mathematics Made Easy (Gujarati Edition)
Partiyogi Parikshaao ke Liye Vedic Ganit Made Easy (Hindi Edition)
Saral Vidic Ganit (Vedic Mathematics Made Easy) (Hindi Edition)
Author: Dhaval Bathia
Paperback: 236 pages
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House/Mumbai/India; 1st edition (August 19, 2011)
Language: Hindi
ISBN-10: 8184952260
ISBN-13: 978-8184952261
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xvii
About the Author xix
Vedic Mathematics: An Introduction xxi
Maths is Interesting! 1
1. Miscellaneous Simple Method 11
2. Criss - Cross System of Multiplication 33
3. Squaring Numbers 48
4. Cube Roots of Perfect Cubes 55
5. Square Roots of Perfect Squares 66
6. Base Method for Multiplication 79
7. Base Method for Squaring 102
8. Digit-Sum Method 108
9. Magic Squares 118
10. Dates & Calendars 130
11. General Equations 143
12. Simultaneous Linear Equations 146
13. Square Roots of Imperfect Squares 157
14. Cubing Numbers 170
15. Base Method Division 181
16. Division (part Two) 194
Afterword 203
Appdenicies 205
Appendix A: Multiplication of five digit numbers
Appendix B: Multiplication of Algebraic Identities
Appendix C: Zeller's Rule (To fin the day on any date)
Appendix D: Pythagorean Values
Appendix E: Divisibility Tests
Appendix F: Raising to fourth and higher powers
Appendix G: Co-ordinate Geometry
Answers 219
Freqently asked questions (FAQ's) 224
Bibliography 227
Now in Hindii, a simplified approach for beginners, can you multiply 231072 by 110649 and get the answer in just a single line? Can you find the cube root of 262144 or 704969 in two seconds? Can you predict the birth date of a person without him telling you? Can you predict how much money a person has without him telling you? Can you check the final answer without solving the question? Or, in a special case, get the final answer without looking at the question? Can you solve squares, square roots, cube roots and other problems mentally? All this and a lot more is possible with the techniques of Vedic Mathematics described in this book. The techniques are useful for students, professionals and businessmen. The techniques of Vedic Mathematics have helped millions of students all over the world get rid of their fear of numbers and improve their scores in quantitative subjects. Primary and secondary school students have found the Vedic mathematics approach very exciting. Those giving competitive exams like MBA, MCA, CET, UPSC, GRE, GMAT etc. have asserted that Vedic Mathematics has helped them crack the entrance tests of these exams.
Vedic Ganit: The Original Vedic Mathematics (Hindi Edition)
Paperback: 366 pages
Author: Bharati Krishna Tirtha Ji Maharaj
Publisher: Motilal Banarsi Dass; 8 edition (2014)
Language: Hindi
ISBN-10: 8120821742
ISBN-13: 978-8120821743
Written by Bharati Krishna Tirthaji, one of the highest-ranked clerics of the Hindu religion, Vedic Ganit: The Original Vedic Mathematics in Hindi is a book that is based on the Vedas. Explaining various techniques of the mental calculation system, the book is focused on the concept of Vedic Maths as a subject.
The techniques of Vedic Maths have been propagated by Tirthaji since the beginning of the 1950's with the help of classes as well as lectures. The book retains typescripts that were written by him and has seen many reprints ever since the 1990s.
Being a series of ancient Hindu texts with sacred value, the Vedas have to be studied deeply in order to find the sutras they conceal. The sutras are sixteen in total and occur in the Parishishta in any order. These are contained in the Vedic Ganit: The Original Vedic Mathematics, with each of the sixteen sutras representing and detailing a specific technique for mental calculation.
The book makes use of three-word phrases from the Sanskrit language to form an association with the elements of arithmetic. According to the author, the sutras mentioned in the book bear relevance to advanced techniques from mathematics like analytical conics and successive differentiation.
Additionally, all parts of pure as well as applied mathematics are handled by the sutras and this is well illustrated in the book. This is the first edition of Vedic Ganit: The Original Vedic Mathematics in Hindi, which was published in 2010 in paperback.
Key Features:
This is the first edition of the original work by Bharati Krishna Tirthaji, which has been edited by Vasudeva Saran Agarwala.
The book mentions several techniques for mental calculation in Mathematics that have been derived from 16 sutras in the Hindu sacred texts of the Vedas.
Many techniques featured in the book make use of decimal fractions as well.
Vedic Maths (Hindi Edition)
Vedic Mathematics: Do You Want To Learn The Magical Method Of Quick Calculation? (Japanese Edition)
Vedic Mathematics : for intelligent guesing (Japanese Edition)
Vedic Mathematics Made Easy (Kannada edition)
Paperback: 248 pages
Author: Dhaval Bathia
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House; First edition (2 December 2012)
Language: Kannada
ISBN-10: 8184952171
ISBN-13: 978-8184952179
Amazon Indian Link
Now in Kannada, a Simplified Approach for Beginners, can you multiply 231072 by 110649 and get the answer in just a single line? Can you find the cube root of 262144 or 704969 in two seconds? Can you predict the birth-date of a person without him telling you? Can you predict how much money a person has without him telling you? Can you check the final answer without solving the question? Or, in a special case, get the final answer without looking at the question? Can you solve squares, square roots, cube-roots and other problems mentally? All this and a lot more is possible with the techniques of Vedic Mathematics described in this book. The techniques are useful for students, professionals and businessmen. The techniques of Vedic Mathematics have helped millions of students all over the world get rid of their fear of numbers and improve their scores in quantitative subjects. Primary and secondary school students have found the Vedic mathematics approach very exciting. Those giving competitive exams like MBA, MCA, CET, UPSC, GRE, GMAT etc. have asserted that Vedic Mathematics has helped them crack the entrance tests of these exams.
Indian Vedic mathematics: a miracle operation of law calculations faster (Korean edition)
Indian Vedic mathematics: the miracle of the shapes are easier to calculate a (Korean edition)
Indian Vedic Mathematics Best 3-piece set : Miracle Calculation Method (Korean edition)
Author: Makino Takehumi
Paperback: 428 pages
Publisher: Vonus (2015)
Language: Korean
ISBN-10: 8964942078
ISBN-13: 978-8964942079
Amazon US Link
Can you calculate 98 × 92 in 5 seconds? This will speed up your brain with 'ultra-fast calculation' How much of all Indian children are 19 and have never memorize multiplication tables, and it was not a hot topic. In fact, children in India and mental arithmetic in your head at once even three-digit multiplication, and division is also easy to obtain a large number of answers. The principle is a mathematical 'calculation choseupideu' introduced in India in math in this book is explained. For example, let's look at the most basic addition calculation. '39 57 'full when most people are first 9 and 7 plus the following: 1 a 1 37 calculates give up. However, the Indian Mathematical '40 56 by changing the problem, seek answers to your head. 39 easy to calculate the change in the falling number of 40 to 0, will turn 57 by 56 reversing the car first. When you do this, and do not need to carry cumbersome accepted, can be solved more quickly in your head without a pencil. India's unique mathematical calculations, only the 'cross-multiplication (by scale up and down, diagonally behind the times gopsembeop to obtain the sum) is a simple look even know. So get used to multiply the numbers in sequence calculation is to multiply the diagonal but marveling, in fact it is merely a modification of the method is to multiply by one position. Because fluently memorize a 19, 98 × 92 multiplier for the calculation that we can do it in five seconds, depending on the type of number, such as changing the width of the rectangle to fit it to apply effective calculation method. They are thus facing the Indian mathematical calculations quickly and novelties anyone surprised that the calculation method is the principle of the remarkable insights of ancient Indian mathematics was surprised once again penetrated. Indian mathematics is called the nickname "Speed mass-informatics (Speed Mathematics) also reasons that attracted attention in the US and Japan, because this.
Nolan Elementary Mathematics teacher flip. 31: Vedic mathematics (Korean edition)
Required core fast: study guide history of the calculation / estimate / calculation / Vedic mathematics (Korean edition)
Vedic mathematics for children (Korean edition)
Vedic Mathematics Made Easy (Malayalam Edition)
Paperback: 212 pages
Author: Dhaval Bathia
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House; First edition (25 February 2012)
Language: Malayalam
ISBN-10: 8184952643
ISBN-13: 978-8184952643
Now in Malayalam, a Simplified Approach for Beginners, can you multiply 231072 by 110649 and get the answer in just a single line? Can you find the cube root of 262144 or 704969 in two seconds? Can you predict the birth-date of a person without him telling you? Can you predict how much money a person has without him telling you? Can you check the final answer without solving the question? Or, in a special case, get the final answer without looking at the question? Can you solve squares, square roots, cube-roots and other problems mentally? All this and a lot more is possible with the techniques of Vedic Mathematics described in this book. The techniques are useful for students, professionals and businessmen. The techniques of Vedic Mathematics have helped millions of students all over the world get rid of their fear of numbers and improve their scores in quantitative subjects. Primary and secondary school students have found the Vedic mathematics approach very exciting. Those giving competitive exams like MBA, MCA, CET, UPSC, GRE, GMAT etc. have asserted that Vedic Mathematics has helped them crack the entrance tests of these exams.
Vedic Ganitache Samarthya (Marathi Edition)
Vedic Mathematics Made Easy (Marathi Edition)
Vedic Mathematics Made Easy (Oriya Edition)
Paperback: 256 pages
Author: Dhaval Bathia
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House; First edition (22 January 2011)
Language: Oriya
ISBN-10: 8184952635
ISBN-13: 978-8184952636
Now in Oriya, a Simplified Approach for Beginners, can you multiply 231072 by 110649 and get the answer in just a single line? Can you find the cube root of 262144 or 704969 in two seconds? Can you predict the birth-date of a person without him telling you? Can you predict how much money a person has without him telling you? Can you check the final answer without solving the question? Or, in a special case, get the final answer without looking at the question? Can you solve squares, square roots, cube-roots and other problems mentally? All this and a lot more is possible with the techniques of Vedic Mathematics described in this book. The techniques are useful for students, professionals and businessmen. The techniques of Vedic Mathematics have helped millions of students all over the world get rid of their fear of numbers and improve their scores in quantitative subjects. Primary and secondary school students have found the Vedic mathematics approach very exciting. Those giving competitive exams like MBA, MCA, CET, UPSC, GRE, GMAT etc. have asserted that Vedic Mathematics has helped them crack the entrance tests of these exams.
Vedic Mathematics Made Easy (Tamil Edition)
Paperback: 304 pages
Author: Dhaval Bathia
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House; First edition (25 May 2012)
Language: Tamil
ISBN-10: 8184952651
ISBN-13: 978-8184952650
Now in Tamil, a Simplified Approach for Beginners, can you multiply 231072 by 110649 and get the answer in just a single line? Can you find the cube root of 262144 or 704969 in two seconds? Can you predict the birth-date of a person without him telling you? Can you predict how much money a person has without him telling you? Can you check the final answer without solving the question? Or, in a special case, get the final answer without looking at the question? Can you solve squares, square roots, cube-roots and other problems mentally? All this and a lot more is possible with the techniques of Vedic Mathematics described in this book. The techniques are useful for students, professionals and businessmen. The techniques of Vedic Mathematics have helped millions of students all over the world get rid of their fear of numbers and improve their scores in quantitative subjects. Primary and secondary school students have found the Vedic mathematics approach very exciting. Those giving competitive exams like MBA, MCA, CET, UPSC, GRE, GMAT etc. have asserted that Vedic Mathematics has helped them crack the entrance tests of these exams.
Vedic Maths - World's Fastest Mental Arithmetic System (Tamil Edition)
Paperback: 198 pages
Author: Anbazhagan Devaraj
Publisher: 2015
Language: Tamil
ISBN-10: 9384878898
ISBN-13: 978-9384878894
Advantage of Vedic Maths Simple and Flexible 10-15 times faster than conventional method Accurate answers Improves the memory and boosts self-confidence Leads to improvement in mental ability, sharpness, creativity and intelligence Problems are reduced to one-line answers Vedic Maths is direct and straightforward
The Power of Vedic Maths (Telugu Edition)